Doctor Who, guys. DOCTOR WHO!
That episode tonight WAS AWESOMESAUCE.
I was already dying to know what happened to the Ponds, since Rory left and all. But then the Doctor shows up in Scarro, and that ginger turns into a Dalek (once and for all proving that gingers do not have souls). That's a scary thought, humanoid Daleks. I mean, now anybody could be a Dalek, couldn't they? And you wouldn't know, because they can hide those para scope thingies inside their foreheads.
Now, honestly, I've never been properly afraid of the Daleks. I mean, yeah, they sicken me, but the Doctor has always managed to defeat them in the past, so I was just never scared of them. But then Moffat creates a whole bloody PLANET of cocoa-bananas Daleks, and they can actually turn you into one just with the AIR. I mean, come on. That's the scariest thing I have ever heard of.
And of course, the Doctor's priority isn't that he was attacked by a bunch of skeletal Alaskans and a dead black guy in an awesome parka, or that they're in a Dalek Mental hospital. Oh no. It's that Amy and Rory are in the process of getting a divorce. And of course, he fixes that, too. That whole scene was absolutely brilliant.
I really, really liked Oswin. She reminded me of Sally Sparrow, Rita, and Astrid, from some older episodes: clever women with big hearts who would have totally been companions if not for extenuating circumstances. (Namely, being dead. Or, if you're Sally Sparrow, married to your best friend's brother and running a shop.) I mean, she really would have been an amazing companion. She probably would have been able to fly the TARDIS- not as well as River, maybe, but she could still do it. It's amazing that she was able to maintain her own human consciousness after being turned into a Dalek, but of course that's thanks to her IQ. I can't imagine how frightening that must have been, spending a whole year in an illusion of your own creation, trying to remember and forget at the same time.
It makes the Daleks all the more scary.
I CAN'T WAIT until next week. Mr. Weasley, Filch, AND Lestrade in one episode. And I think Rory might have called Mr. Weasley "Dad" which, if I heard correctly, would totally make him related to Ronald Weasley. Also dinosaurs.
Very very exciting, yes?
Now, let's talk about the other big thing going on the fandoms today. Namely, the start of the Hogwarts school term.
I was kinda disappointed that the new Chamber of Secrets chapters weren't available on Pottermore today. I thought they would be, since it was September first and all, but apparently I was wrong. I think they might come out around October or November (also, the next House Cup is in November, so Slytherins, get to work already).
According to my calculations (and also some help from the HP Lexicon) Victoire Weasley should be going into her fourth year (ish) which means Dominique and Louis could also possibly be in school (though I'm pretty sure Louis is still a bit too young). Who knows about the others, since they don't exactly have birthdays or anything. James won't be going until 2015 or 2016, and we know absolutely that Scorpius, Al, and Rose go in 2017, with Lily and Hugo following in 2019.
So, yep. Big day for the fandoms, September 1st. I think it should be an international fandom holiday.
So... bye!
P.S. Spell Check, who says Awesomesauce isn't a word??
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