Saturday, February 18, 2012

Bunnies, Birthday Parties, and Other Things That May Interest the Reader

Hello, chummies! I've been extremely busy, of course.

My little sister, Mattie, is in a play called The Velveteen Rabbit, playing the part of Mouse. She is doing phantasmagorically, of course.

For those of you who don't know what the play is about, it's basically a lot like toy story, except it takes place in the 1920s in England. This little boy named Alex has a bunch of toys, and his favorite one is the Velveteen Rabbit. The Rabbit wants to be Real more than anything, and the only way to become Real is if a child loves you, or if the Toy Fairy comes and takes you away. The Toy Fairy is pretty much a myth, though, so the Rabbit focuses on trying to be loved.

And then bad stuff happens.

Alex gets sick with Scarlet Fever, known as the Scarlet Fear to the toys, and the little rabbit gets left in the garden in all the chaos. And, SPOILER ALERT, he's the only one who can save Alex from dying! Hello! So all the toys have to work together and try to rescue the Rabbit and Alex.

All my old play buddies are there. I don't think I'll ever understand that strange, familial air in and around the theatre. It's like everybody belongs automatically. It's nice.

Mattie looks awesome in her Mouse Costume. She has a hunchback sort of thing going on, and a tail, and a huge wind-up key made of foam. Her friend Celeste is Bulka, a dog who has a habit of fainting every five minutes. Her costume is kind of like a giant patchwork quilt. And then there's the other kids- the rabbit, who looks like a rabbit (gasp!), and the little boy who plays Timothy, whose costume has the unfortunate effect of making him look like a strange flowerpot-Weeble-Wobble-tomato hybrid. And the Skin Horse, whose head is not proportionate to his body at all. I think my favorite one is the Toy Fairy. I keep expecting her to turn a pumpkin into a coach and sing, "Bibbity Bobbity Boo!"

I'm helping out backstage this weekend. Humiliating pictures of the cast in costume will follow in due course. *insert evil grin*

Of course, I have to be careful. Karma could come back to bite me in the butt. I'm trying out for the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland in a few months, and Godric Gryffindor only knows what they'll make me wear if I'm in that....

Also, this weekend I went to a birthday party. It was the strangest one I've ever been to. We went to the new Holiday Inn that's in town and spent the night. I think it's because the birthday girl's heating was broken at her house, and no way are we sleeping somewhere with no heat in the middle of winter, merci you very much.

We left directly from school in a large, mysterious, black van that was somehow able to fit six girls (I suspect they used an Undetectable Extension Charm) and then stopped off at McDonald's to get drinks. Then we all went to the hotel, scared the management by riding up and down the hall on a luggage cart, and settled in our room to mooch around and do hotel room stuff.

(Okay, dirty minded people, shut up.)

We sat around for a while, and some of us were beginning to grasp that having a hotel room all to yourself with no adult supervision, loads of food, and a huge stack of DVDs actually sounds a lot cooler than it is. Then everybody was like, "Ooh, hotel! Let's go swimming!" And I was like, "I have bronchitis. I'm not swimming."

So I went downstairs, sat in a lounge chair, and read a book. Which was actually more fun than contaminating my hair with chlorine.

Then we went back upstairs and started watching movies while somebody ordered pizza. We watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Princess Bride, and Iron Giant. I kid you not. That is what was in our huge stack of DVDs.

So by then I had taken my cough meds, which weren't working, and I was grumpy, and it was bedtime, and half of us wanted to go to sleep, and the other half had chugged an entire bottle of cherry coke and eaten loads of cupcakes and WOULD NOT SHUT UP. Here is a sample of the sort of conversations we were having:

Katy: Good night, everyone!

Kat: Good night moon!

Tessa: Good night bowl of mush!

Tabitha: Good night bears!

Janie: The next person to reference Good Night Moon will get sat on!

Iashia: Don't sit on me! Don't sit on me!

Me: Good night, Jim Bob!


And so on.

So, after we had gotten Katy to stop skyping because it was midnight, for crying out loud, and after we had sorted out who would be sleeping where, and after people stopped getting up to hit each other with pillows, and AFTER people stopped singing Girl Scout songs, we managed to fall asleep.

Then today we had nasty hotel breakfast and watched the end of a movie about Casper the Friendly Ghost and the beginning of the first Legally Blonde, and then we came home.


All in all, a pretty nice weekend, so far.

Before I leave, I have stuff to say:

1. Always save the princess from the Sicilian.
2. Cupcakes, BBQ Lays, and Dr. Pepper- bad combo.
3. I LOVE The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy that my amazing dad got for me for Valentine's Day!!!!!!!!
4. I wrote a letter to Neil Gaiman, and if he writes back to me, I'll tell you about it. :)
5. This summer, I'm gonna do a vlog on the YouTube to try to get more people to read this stuff, so, if anybody has suggestions for stuff I should do, tell me. :)


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