Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Reader's Block

Hey, people! So, let's get down to brass tacks. I'm new here, obviously, but I don't feel like giving you a long sob story about my life. It isn't interesting, or creative, and you'll hear more than you want to know about how much my life sucks over the next few months.

I won't blame you if you quit reading now. In fact, I'm about to give you homework, and if that doesn't scare you off, I don't know what will.

I have been a victim of writer's block before. If you have ever been assigned an English project, or maybe a report on a famous person of your choosing, and you've had trouble deciding what to write about, then you've had it too. Lately, though, I've had a less common problem.

Reader's Block.

I call it that, because it's sort of like writer's block. My problem is not knowing what I should read next.

See, the thing is, I've read a whole lot of books. I read all the Harry Potters, and I've read other stuff too, like Pride and Prejudice and Little Women. I know that I should probably work on finishing out the Eragon series, or find out whether the gods have killed Percy Jackson yet. Still, even though I love reading stories that come in series, I think every now and then you need a break. I mean, come on, if you were on a desert island and had nothing but the Series of Unfortunate Events with you, you'd get bored with reading about the same characters.

Maybe it isn't very loyal to Violet, Klaus, and Sunny, but I want to read about something else before they get around to conquering Count Olaf and his motley crew. The thing is, I don't know where to look. I'm reading The Scarlet Pimpernel, and I'm dabbling in more Jane Austen, but I haven't really got into them.

What I mean is, when I read about Marguerite St. Just and her brother, Armand, I'm nervous for her and worried that she may never escape Chauvelin's evil clutches. But the world doesn't melt away. And I'm easily distracted, so getting through it is a long process.

I guess you could say that I'm on a hunt for the perfect book. Any thoughts?